Military Diocese
21st Episcopal District
Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith, International
Bishop Norman Allen II, D.Min., Diocesan
24800 Phlox Ave. Eastpointe Michigan 48021
(586) 204-3961 * MilitaryDiocese@gmail.com
Our mission is to recruit, train, manage and mentor chaplains, chaplain candidates and religious affairs specialist; and to serve as a clearing house for all matters pertaining to military ministry; and, to provide PCAFI ministry to Apostolic Service Members and Department of Defense Civilians worldwide.
PCAFI members who are serving in the military have a right to receive apostolic religious services from qualified Apostolic ministers. There are two problems that prevent them from receiving this much needed ministry. First of all, we need to know who they are and where they are stationed so we can contact them and their local chaplains. The other problem is that there are too few apostolic ministers to provide ministry. You can help solve both problems. If you have apostolic church members, apostolic family members or apostolic friends serving in the military please have them contact me via email at militarydiocese@gmail.com.
The following is a list and brief description and qualifications for military ministry opportunities:
Contract Clergy – Civilian ministers who conduct Apostolic worship services and bible classes on military installations or ships. There is no age, gender or physical health requirement. Contract clergy persons are usually paid on a per- service-basis. Payments are provided by the installation chaplain from the Non-Appropriated Fund Account. Contract clergy must be endorsed by the PCAFI and a letter justifying the need for their ministry submitted to the local commander and installation chaplain.
Distinctive Faith Group Leaders –Individuals who conduct Apostolic worship services and bible classes on military installations. They may be contract clergy, or military members on the installation where they conduct services. Military members may serve as distinctive faith group leaders regardless of rank. They are not paid to conduct services and must conduct services in civilian attire.
Chaplain Candidates – Military officers who have a bachelors degree and are full time students in an approved Master of Divinity program. Individuals are normally commissioned as Lieutenants in their respective military branches, and may perform up to 45 paid days a year of active duty or active duty for training under the direct supervision of a Chaplain. Chaplain Candidates will also complete their Chaplain Officer Basic Courses on active duty. Upon successful completion of their Master of Divinity programs they are commissioned Chaplains.
Chaplains – Military officers who are Religious Ministry Professionals, have an earned Master of Divinity degree, and are ordained and endorsed by their faith groups. Chaplains provide for the free exercise of religion for all members of the command to which they are assigned. They are the commander’s special staff officer on all matters pertaining to religion, morals and morale. PCAF Chaplains will perform only the ecclesiastical services, rites and sacerdotal functions that are sanctioned by the PCAF. Chaplains will provide distinctive faith group leaders or other chaplains to minister to soldiers of other faiths.
Religious Affairs Specialist – Military enlisted personnel who provide clerical, administrative support, transportation and security for their chaplains. Religious Affairs Specialist are not religious ministry professionals. After completion of basic combat training, they attend Advanced Individual Training.
Please contact us if you or someone you know is interested in military ministry.